Youth of the nation??

Certainly i don't know why am I choosing the topic. Let's get everything started here. As of now, i am now attending one informative course, Islamic conference aka MUKTAMAR for all Muslims in The United States of America. We have so many talks and advices given by the selected educated speakers; coming from Indonesia and Malaysia as well. I love being in this course because it seems to give me a big chance to deepen my knowledge in this area. Well, its not as easy as saying ABC when it comes to the religion stuffs. There are millions of aspects that still being keep locked since no strong religion fundamental to open up all those things. Unluckily, some of us come here just for fun and meet up with their old friends; which is good to be heard. But they simply take this course for granted as if they have true understanding about Islam, including me. Thus, I've started to question myself, "Why all these kids hesitate to lend their ears to hear something good?', "Who will lead the future of the nation if the present generation keep acting like this?". While staring the night sky, my mind wandered and whispered to me; youth love joy and lots of fun. Without further a due, I figured out this thing could be more enthusiastic and attractive if the committee should have planned this as organize as they can. Avoiding any mischievousness throughout the program since this could change the perception among the teens. To all dearest friends, keep in mind nothing can stop us from widening our understanding about Islam. Islam is indeed a true religion and we should be grateful had been delivered automatically as " Muslim". We cant predict when we will die, might as well we accumulate as much deeds as we could before it's too late.Think about it..

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