choice to be made...

You have been destined to fall in love with two girls. At the same time, same age, same moment, and of course different gender. To begin the story…you have to choose one girl only.

• The first girl is as beautiful as bidadari..and absolutely all your friend will get jealous when they meet face to face with her..
“Cis,camne mamat ni eh dapat awek cantik camtu”..There might be a possibility your friend will say this. However, in a facet of Islam, she’s not performing the obligation as muslimah, does not taking care of her woman’s pride, socialize with boys, hot, sexy, and all.Your family will not give their blessing if you go for her.

• Second girl is the one who is not as beautiful as the first one, and your friends will not be amazed when they look at you girlfriend. They may monologue once they look at her .”Shit, otai gile muke awek de”. But, whenever your with her, you will feel so comfortable, she’s always there whenever you need someone, and she’s so concerned about her agama,jage aurat, and all.Performing all 5 rukun Islam. All you family members are so pleased when she’s around them.

One of my friends has told me the answer, and I’m not pretty sure to judge the answer. Which one should I go for? He told me that he is gonna choose the first one because beauty is natural, we can’t create the human’s beauty.
"What if she refuses to beriman??"He simply replied "Cerai je,laki ade kuota 4 kan?"
Unlike iman, we can nurture it. Thus later on, we MIGHT have “fully-packaged” girlfriend. Physical and inner beauty as well.
So, I still have no answer for this question, though it is just a simple one. So, which girl will you choose??


  1. beauty does not last forever dude =)

  2. nice entry u hv here shah..
    it makes me think as well..
    which one will be chosen..

    i have one analogy here..from DR.HM TUAH ISKANDAR AL-HAJ..haha,naseb baek bukan SHAH kat blkg name die..=p

    "Kopi itu pahit jika berdiri sendiri, tapi kopi menjadi enak apabila digandingkan dengan gula dan susu.

    Anda cantik, maka anda boleh berdiri sendiri tapi tanpa keperibadian dan iman, anda ibarat kopi tanpa gandingan gula dan susu. Selama mana boleh bertahan??

    Sebaik-baik kopi pahit dinilai dari sudut kepahitanya, tapi apabila ada kopi bersusu dan bergula, ia sentiasa lebih disukai dan akan terus disukai."

  3. hehe. lu pun boleh tahan lu punya mabuk.

  4. laha..if takde iman..kite leh suh de iman.kalo de tak nak.kite ceraikan je la de..kan kite ade quota 3..

  5. hish..
    kau buat aku gelisah la beb
    aku pun tak tau cmne nak pilih kalo dlm situasi cmni
    hurm..solat istikharah sudehhhh

  6. aaaa...sokong2...solat istikharah sudehhhh

  7. hahahaha
    btul gak .
    itu la..tak macam lahanat.
    fahmi tu tak tau cane nak wat..tau dunie nak kiamat je..ish2..

  8. Jadi gay sudehh.. Lagi senang, tak payah pening kepala nk pilih. Hahha.

  9. haha
    perkh..tak terpikir lak aku ekh cepe..tu la the best n simplest solution.

  10. bro, td aku ade tdgr sorg ust ni ckp time kt msyuarat PIBG adik sedare haku....

    walaupun lelaki tu ketua keluarga...
    tp perempuan tu penasihat...jadi, benda utama dlm hal ni, wanita tu kene le baik orgnye...baru leh jd pnasihat baik...baru ngn ko skali jd baik jgak sbb ade pnasihat baik...

  11. cari lah sape2 academic advisor yang ok....

    konfem niceee hahaha

  12. hahahaa

    sal ttbe academic advisor lak ko ni berus jamban??

  13. hurm...ko da normal akhirnya...hehe

  14. apek kate nak kene cari penasihat yang ok....

    academic advisor r ok pe hahaha

  15. gile beriman blog ko ni..
    kekaguman dalam keinsafan...
    *baru tersedar bilangan titik di setiap akhir ayt aku ni bertambah secara janjang aritmetik dimana a=2 dan d=1*

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. nice entry....
    depend on individu..
    ad org nk yg cntik coz nk m'nunjuk...
    but ad gak yg xpndng tue sumua...
    skunk nie ssh kot nk crk org yg xpndng bnd cantik...
    ko sure mcm tue gak kn..???
    ad org ckp...if kte nk crk patner..better we choose the person dat yg kte xpyh ubah ap2...bcoz i think it so payah to change someone to be b'iman....:D
