perfect time..

Its been few days in ramadan..maybe 15 of ramadan.
all i can say here.being in the fasting month of ramdan..i could somehow be the real me..i still remember one of the phrases that my fried told me last night.
In this blessing month of ramadan,people will show the true color, would show the world what type of person they are since, there is no satan that will lead you to the mungkar..Things that you have done are based on your instinct, desire and your soul.So, its the right time to evaluate people and the perfect time to find your partner since we could see his/her real attitude.
So,,what the hell are you waiting for?
go grab this chance before the time ends.



  1. betul gak it can be perfect time to find your partner..but u also can see the true color of ur satan in dis ramadhan but the person itself can be satan..have a great ramadhan..


  2. haha..ya sometime right..
    thanks for reminding me about the satan..hahaha..
    i will be more aware after this..

  3. selamat berpuasa kepada yang berpuasa.
