just finished fall2008 semester.it means i have another 5semesters to go..wah..
winter break has come..but no plan has come into my mind..
few come and go..few left to the west..few drive to the east..
some fly to the south..haihs..me??
sitting here..in front of my laptop..typing few words.waiting the sun to come out and shine my new day..it's hard though.. to see the sun at this time now..it's winter
Maybe..i have been destined to have some "santapan rohani".....
collecting new information..deepen my knowledge about my religion..
and meeting up with the whole muslim community in the USA..
Insha Allah..
Jikalau tanah pun mahu runtuh...
Apakah dosa mereka yang tidak tahu apa-apa?
di manakah silap perkara itu...
adakah salah pembeli rumah-rumah di bukit antarabangsa?mereka tidak salah..kerana mereka ada hak dan kemampuan mencari ketenangan rumah di situ..
jadi..salahkanlan kontraktor?tidak juga..kerana dari mana kontraktor dapat tender membina projek di situ?
jadi, salahkan siapa?siapa yang membenarkan projek di situ?bagaimana kontraktor boleh mendapat kelulusan membuat rumah di kawasan2 tersebut..
mungkinkah ade berlaku nya "internal affairs"?
kita tidak tahu..wallahualam..
yang penting, ucapkan la takziah dan bykkan bersabar to all the victims.. and evacuees...there might be something behind all these hikmahs..hang in there..
di manakah silap perkara itu...
adakah salah pembeli rumah-rumah di bukit antarabangsa?mereka tidak salah..kerana mereka ada hak dan kemampuan mencari ketenangan rumah di situ..
jadi..salahkanlan kontraktor?tidak juga..kerana dari mana kontraktor dapat tender membina projek di situ?
jadi, salahkan siapa?siapa yang membenarkan projek di situ?bagaimana kontraktor boleh mendapat kelulusan membuat rumah di kawasan2 tersebut..
mungkinkah ade berlaku nya "internal affairs"?
kita tidak tahu..wallahualam..
yang penting, ucapkan la takziah dan bykkan bersabar to all the victims.. and evacuees...there might be something behind all these hikmahs..hang in there..
Do's and Dont's?
Just a small thought regarding this thing...
Kalau kamu seorang MUSLIM...
1)Jgn kata "mosque" tp "masjid" krn orgnisasi Islam mnemukn bhw "mosque"=mosquitos=nyamuk
2)Jgn tulis "mecca" tp "MEKKAH" krn mecca =rumah anggur/bir
3)jngn tulis "mohd" tp tulis lengkp "MUHAMMAD" krn "mohd"= anjing brmulut besar
4)Jngn tlis "4JJI " tp tulislah "ALLAH SWT" krn 4jji =for judas jesus isa almasih
Tolong sebarkan kpd Muslim
ak hanyer tolng menyampaikan aper yg disurh dsmpaikan....
dan skadar mengingat shaja....
Dalam pemikiran aku yang agak berIslamic dan rasional ini, 1 and 2 tidak seharusnya salah kerana ianya bergantung kepada maksud dan juga konteks bahasa yang kita gunakan.Perbezaan bahasa membawa makna yang berbeza, walaupun perkataan itu diejakan dalam keadaan sama.
Yang ke-3 pula, adakah begitu mudah untuk menukar semula nama yang diberikan sekiranya nama yang diberi itu dieja "MOHD. .......bin...."..ini tidak begitu masuk akal..
Yang terakhir sahaja yang boleh masuk akal, kerana ianya seakan benar dan masuk akal..
Kalau kamu seorang MUSLIM...
1)Jgn kata "mosque" tp "masjid" krn orgnisasi Islam mnemukn bhw "mosque"=mosquitos=nyamuk
2)Jgn tulis "mecca" tp "MEKKAH" krn mecca =rumah anggur/bir
3)jngn tulis "mohd" tp tulis lengkp "MUHAMMAD" krn "mohd"= anjing brmulut besar
4)Jngn tlis "4JJI " tp tulislah "ALLAH SWT" krn 4jji =for judas jesus isa almasih
Tolong sebarkan kpd Muslim
ak hanyer tolng menyampaikan aper yg disurh dsmpaikan....
dan skadar mengingat shaja....
Dalam pemikiran aku yang agak berIslamic dan rasional ini, 1 and 2 tidak seharusnya salah kerana ianya bergantung kepada maksud dan juga konteks bahasa yang kita gunakan.Perbezaan bahasa membawa makna yang berbeza, walaupun perkataan itu diejakan dalam keadaan sama.
Yang ke-3 pula, adakah begitu mudah untuk menukar semula nama yang diberikan sekiranya nama yang diberi itu dieja "MOHD. .......bin...."..ini tidak begitu masuk akal..
Yang terakhir sahaja yang boleh masuk akal, kerana ianya seakan benar dan masuk akal..
pemikir muda..
Seorang guru grammar mengajar anak murid tahun 2, seorang budak yang telah mengenali Bahasa Inggeris..
"You can't put "IS" after the words I and You", berkata guru kepada kelas nya...
Lantas, seorang budak bangun..dan bertanya..
"cikgu, saya ingin membuat ayat menggunakan "IS""..
Murid tersebut memulakan ayatnya.." I is...." belum sempat abis ayat, cikgu marah murid itu kerana tidak mendengar katanya..situasi itu berulang beberapa kali...
Budak itu pun membalas balik dan menyatakan bahawa dia tidak habis lagi membuat ayat itu..guru itu berkata, "Jadi, habiskan ayat kamu itu, jangan buat saya marah"...
Murid itu dengan bangganya menghabiskan ayat nya.." I is a letter after H and before J, betul ke tidak cikgu ayat saya itu??"...
Guru tersebut tersipu malu...bagus sungguh ayat budak tersebut:P
"You can't put "IS" after the words I and You", berkata guru kepada kelas nya...
Lantas, seorang budak bangun..dan bertanya..
"cikgu, saya ingin membuat ayat menggunakan "IS""..
Murid tersebut memulakan ayatnya.." I is...." belum sempat abis ayat, cikgu marah murid itu kerana tidak mendengar katanya..situasi itu berulang beberapa kali...
Budak itu pun membalas balik dan menyatakan bahawa dia tidak habis lagi membuat ayat itu..guru itu berkata, "Jadi, habiskan ayat kamu itu, jangan buat saya marah"...
Murid itu dengan bangganya menghabiskan ayat nya.." I is a letter after H and before J, betul ke tidak cikgu ayat saya itu??"...
Guru tersebut tersipu malu...bagus sungguh ayat budak tersebut:P
He is my good companion..
I just got him last week..he keeps accompanying me before I sleep..
He patiently observing my annoying attitude..
He always listen when I'm whining..
He does not stop paying attention while me playing the guitar...
Some say that we have things in common..that's why we are inseparable..
The best thing is. HE will guide me and stay awake when I'm sleeping.
Though it's just 8bucks..i like it.
Thanks to him.for being a good friend.

Psychologists debate that "It might be better choice to befriend with little-lion than human, since little-lion will only agree of what you say and do"..:P
I just got him last week..he keeps accompanying me before I sleep..
He patiently observing my annoying attitude..
He always listen when I'm whining..
He does not stop paying attention while me playing the guitar...
Some say that we have things in common..that's why we are inseparable..
The best thing is. HE will guide me and stay awake when I'm sleeping.
Though it's just 8bucks..i like it.
Thanks to him.for being a good friend.
Psychologists debate that "It might be better choice to befriend with little-lion than human, since little-lion will only agree of what you say and do"..:P
say "NO"..
Sometimes..it is necessary for us to learn how to say "NO"..instead of "Yes"..
not every single thing goes according to plan..and we can not just blame other people if we fail to achieve the plan.
I guess everyone wants to have an enjoyable life..they want to savor the happiness and be there with close friend..but when thing doesn't go as planned.don't simply give up..rethink and reflect..
"aku juga mau pergi bercuti..tetapi bukan kehendak aku untuk tidak pergi..harap semua cuba memahami keadaan"...
not every single thing goes according to plan..and we can not just blame other people if we fail to achieve the plan.
I guess everyone wants to have an enjoyable life..they want to savor the happiness and be there with close friend..but when thing doesn't go as planned.don't simply give up..rethink and reflect..
"aku juga mau pergi bercuti..tetapi bukan kehendak aku untuk tidak pergi..harap semua cuba memahami keadaan"...
is it arithmetic sequence? Why should i care about these numbers? But, i dont know why do i like these numbers...
not really..
it could be a series of "sport-toto" or "magnum" number..
but it's not the thing...
It might be any random numbers that i just picked up..due to my boredom after geology's exam( I think i did not do well)..
Yeah..finally..i think it's a combination of few chords..that could be used to compose one song~~~Re Ti La Re...
but..i know.there might be persons out there who will going to interpret this series of number based on their own expertise and experience?
So..any other ideas that useful and meaningful are highly appreciated..
is it arithmetic sequence? Why should i care about these numbers? But, i dont know why do i like these numbers...
not really..
it could be a series of "sport-toto" or "magnum" number..
but it's not the thing...
It might be any random numbers that i just picked up..due to my boredom after geology's exam( I think i did not do well)..
Yeah..finally..i think it's a combination of few chords..that could be used to compose one song~~~Re Ti La Re...
but..i know.there might be persons out there who will going to interpret this series of number based on their own expertise and experience?
So..any other ideas that useful and meaningful are highly appreciated..
aku bermimpi ular..tidak juga aku lupa untuk membace sekurang2 nya Al-Fatihah sebelum tidur..
seram..ular tedung..i guess..since ular tu boleh berdiri...
selepas itu.aku berpura-pura jadi tunggul..supaya ular itu tak patuk aku..
tapi..aku dipatuk juga..
lepas tu, ade orang bunuh ular itu dan aku lihat ada sesuatu dalam perut ular itu apabila orang tu membelah perut ular tu..
tapi aku tidak sempat melihat apekah bende dalam itu..sebab aku dah terjaga untuk Subuh..
apekah significant "MIMPI" itu?
aku terus berdoa....
buruk ke baik agak2 nye?
aku bermimpi ular..tidak juga aku lupa untuk membace sekurang2 nya Al-Fatihah sebelum tidur..
seram..ular tedung..i guess..since ular tu boleh berdiri...
selepas itu.aku berpura-pura jadi tunggul..supaya ular itu tak patuk aku..
tapi..aku dipatuk juga..
lepas tu, ade orang bunuh ular itu dan aku lihat ada sesuatu dalam perut ular itu apabila orang tu membelah perut ular tu..
tapi aku tidak sempat melihat apekah bende dalam itu..sebab aku dah terjaga untuk Subuh..
apekah significant "MIMPI" itu?
aku terus berdoa....
buruk ke baik agak2 nye?
aku tak pasti..yang mana satu perlu ku guna?atau..adakah terlalu awal..
أنا أحبّ أنت.
Ik houd van u.
я пропускаю вас
eu te amo
harap..aku dapat meleraikan keadaan ini..I think i should pick up the longest one.shouldn't I?
Terima kasih..
أنا أحبّ أنت.
Ik houd van u.
я пропускаю вас
eu te amo
harap..aku dapat meleraikan keadaan ini..I think i should pick up the longest one.shouldn't I?
Terima kasih..
cant smile without you.
just so you know that i cant smile without
i guess im quite lucky to have you around whenever i need someone to talk to..
and i just like dat "i cant smile without you"..
just so you know that i cant smile without
i guess im quite lucky to have you around whenever i need someone to talk to..
and i just like dat "i cant smile without you"..
sometime..some one would not notice that there is a person out there who appreciates her/him. That person would be the one that you always give a call whenever your sad,pick you up when you're down. Maybe she/he might not yet realize...but hopefully one day that person will be able to look into her/himself; how important s/he is in someone's life.
"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart..."
Thanks (buddy).thank for the words..
selamat raya..
yeah..at last..i have finally completed my obligation in the fasting month of Ramadhan..Now,selamat ari raya..im posting this post when takbir bergema since it's malam raya..what do you expect to have during malam raya?fun..meriam..family..all those things..
but where am i now?far away...set apart by great oceans pacific ..
once again.selamat ari raya..maap zahir batin to all..
njoy la raye..it could be much meaningful whenever you have your loved one next to you.
and it somehow reminds me of my childhood..if only i could buy back time..
but where am i now?far away...set apart by great oceans pacific ..
once again.selamat ari raya..maap zahir batin to all..
njoy la raye..it could be much meaningful whenever you have your loved one next to you.
and it somehow reminds me of my childhood..if only i could buy back time..
Eid MUbarak~~~
haish...4 3 2 1..berapa hari lagi nak raya?ish2..erm..nak raye ke tak?tetapi bagaimana...
aku mempunyai beberapa peperiksaan..di kala orang berbuat persiapan untuk hari raya.diriku sibuk mentelaah pelajaran..Isnin..jumaat..
tidak mengapalah..boleh ambil peristiwa ini sebagai pengalaman..bilakah lagi mahu menghadapan dengan peperiksaan di kala hari raya..inilah masanya...
That's a typical quote saying by people who don't have a chance to celebrate Eid...
good luck..im here.in US..not in NZ(auckland) where there are about 500 malaysians...
chill~~~..life goes on as it comes.!
good luck peers~~~~selamat hari raya...
hahahahha...(bergelak sedih)
aku mempunyai beberapa peperiksaan..di kala orang berbuat persiapan untuk hari raya.diriku sibuk mentelaah pelajaran..Isnin..jumaat..
tidak mengapalah..boleh ambil peristiwa ini sebagai pengalaman..bilakah lagi mahu menghadapan dengan peperiksaan di kala hari raya..inilah masanya...
That's a typical quote saying by people who don't have a chance to celebrate Eid...
good luck..im here.in US..not in NZ(auckland) where there are about 500 malaysians...
chill~~~..life goes on as it comes.!
good luck peers~~~~selamat hari raya...
hahahahha...(bergelak sedih)
perfect time..
Its been few days in ramadan..maybe 15 of ramadan.
all i can say here.being in the fasting month of ramdan..i could somehow be the real me..i still remember one of the phrases that my fried told me last night.
In this blessing month of ramadan,people will show the true color, would show the world what type of person they are since, there is no satan that will lead you to the mungkar..Things that you have done are based on your instinct, desire and your soul.So, its the right time to evaluate people and the perfect time to find your partner since we could see his/her real attitude.
So,,what the hell are you waiting for?
go grab this chance before the time ends.
all i can say here.being in the fasting month of ramdan..i could somehow be the real me..i still remember one of the phrases that my fried told me last night.
In this blessing month of ramadan,people will show the true color, would show the world what type of person they are since, there is no satan that will lead you to the mungkar..Things that you have done are based on your instinct, desire and your soul.So, its the right time to evaluate people and the perfect time to find your partner since we could see his/her real attitude.
So,,what the hell are you waiting for?
go grab this chance before the time ends.
guys..this video is really awesome..this kid is so great.and it gives me a clue on how big the beatles' influence upon our world..though its been almost few decades..
enjoy this video..
enjoy this video..
land croc.
hye..im yelling on myself..reflecting on my own..what have i done?
is that something unusual when we want to know people?
come on..
im not this kind of person....

"land-croc"..is the word exist?
its not that as easy as people think to be a land croc..
im trying to be a better person..just to be nice to all.
waiting time to break my fast...
is that something unusual when we want to know people?
come on..
im not this kind of person....
"land-croc"..is the word exist?
its not that as easy as people think to be a land croc..
im trying to be a better person..just to be nice to all.
waiting time to break my fast...
Ramadhan has just started and as a male-devoted-muslim..it is a must for me to complete all 30days of fasting since there will be no constraints come in my my ways.
but.being in other's country, far away from my mother nation somehow reminds me of my family, the moments where we used to wait for buka puase, pay a visit to bazar ramadan(which is miracle if there is any in the states).One thing I like most was when one of my non Muslim wished me "good Luck facing ramadan". He seemed to be understand and gave his respect upon me. This thing has changed a little bit my thought.
Those who have nothing to do with Islam cared about our ramadan month; why there are still people, who are Muslims, do not really care and concern about this?
think about it..
but.being in other's country, far away from my mother nation somehow reminds me of my family, the moments where we used to wait for buka puase, pay a visit to bazar ramadan(which is miracle if there is any in the states).One thing I like most was when one of my non Muslim wished me "good Luck facing ramadan". He seemed to be understand and gave his respect upon me. This thing has changed a little bit my thought.
Those who have nothing to do with Islam cared about our ramadan month; why there are still people, who are Muslims, do not really care and concern about this?
think about it..
being westernized?
It's really hard for me to quote this thing..but i think i have to..i could not bear anymore seeing my bangse becomes worse day by day. How true the caption saying that most of Malay teens getting rude,immoral and don't care about their pride?Just type it "Malay" in utube, you will see so many kinda nasty-link,videos about our Malay teens. It's hard for me to believe it but it seems true because '''yeah..malay teens love to be the "actor"and "actress" in those indecent videos.
Im not blaming anyone, anyside..but wearing the hijab does not guarantee the purity (virginity could be more accurate) of the girls( just for the certain cases,no offense). Guys think of being gentleman whenever they had slept with a girl,and vice versa.One thing for sure, our teens age comes once in a lifetime, but it does not mean we can legalize anything just to satisfy your soul.I don't care if the couples are not among the Malay(or Islam maybe),but in this case there have been so many phenomenons where most of girls being so fragile,easy to get melted by boys' pujuk rayu and later on claiming that indecent+immoral+illegal thing as a proof of their love. It's *ucking ridiculous.
One of my friends teased me.." Alangkah bagus kalo kat padang mahysar bangge cakap dah takde harge diri"..
Thus,ask for repentance before your prayer can no longer be heard.
ISTIDRAJ always "awaits" for people who are really "looking for" it. Just go ahead if you wanna have it..
Think about it.
++the video is only for education purpose only, don't ever do it..
Im not blaming anyone, anyside..but wearing the hijab does not guarantee the purity (virginity could be more accurate) of the girls( just for the certain cases,no offense). Guys think of being gentleman whenever they had slept with a girl,and vice versa.One thing for sure, our teens age comes once in a lifetime, but it does not mean we can legalize anything just to satisfy your soul.I don't care if the couples are not among the Malay(or Islam maybe),but in this case there have been so many phenomenons where most of girls being so fragile,easy to get melted by boys' pujuk rayu and later on claiming that indecent+immoral+illegal thing as a proof of their love. It's *ucking ridiculous.
One of my friends teased me.." Alangkah bagus kalo kat padang mahysar bangge cakap dah takde harge diri"..
Thus,ask for repentance before your prayer can no longer be heard.
ISTIDRAJ always "awaits" for people who are really "looking for" it. Just go ahead if you wanna have it..
Think about it.
++the video is only for education purpose only, don't ever do it..
ray of hope.
here we go.the Malaysia has just accepted the result of the by-election permatang pauh dat showed us the victory for the PKR advisor,DSAI.Im pretty sure that he could easily win the election since he's such a prominent figure.and his success indicates that all the oath,sodomy allegation against him; are seemingly get tamed whenever it comes to DSAI.Im proud of him..he's my super2 senior of my school..hahaha..
But, the important one is, Malaysia is now can be said as having such a brilliant,high intelligence, open-minded person and for sure it would somehow create a chaos in parliament during the "persidangan". The oil price could be cut off by few cents..since the 2.70 is so high and unaffordable for some Malaysia's family. Hopefully, this ray of hope could brighten up the future of Malaysia.
Well done everyone who has embroiled towards this success.
house of toilet.
Everybody's struggling to have the best house among the best..they spent much money just to make sure their house looks nice and people would love to come. So do we.
After "visiting" Wal-mart and investing money to Wal-mart, we have successfully decorated our house..just telling everyone..do come if you want to have an amazing experience which is "laying down on the toilet's ground".
It's nice...and cool..and im not so sure to clarify whether that one is a toilet.
After "visiting" Wal-mart and investing money to Wal-mart, we have successfully decorated our house..just telling everyone..do come if you want to have an amazing experience which is "laying down on the toilet's ground".
It's nice...and cool..and im not so sure to clarify whether that one is a toilet.
choice to be made...
You have been destined to fall in love with two girls. At the same time, same age, same moment, and of course different gender. To begin the story…you have to choose one girl only.

• The first girl is as beautiful as bidadari..and absolutely all your friend will get jealous when they meet face to face with her..
“Cis,camne mamat ni eh dapat awek cantik camtu”..There might be a possibility your friend will say this. However, in a facet of Islam, she’s not performing the obligation as muslimah, does not taking care of her woman’s pride, socialize with boys, hot, sexy, and all.Your family will not give their blessing if you go for her.

• Second girl is the one who is not as beautiful as the first one, and your friends will not be amazed when they look at you girlfriend. They may monologue once they look at her .”Shit, otai gile muke awek de”. But, whenever your with her, you will feel so comfortable, she’s always there whenever you need someone, and she’s so concerned about her agama,jage aurat, and all.Performing all 5 rukun Islam. All you family members are so pleased when she’s around them.
One of my friends has told me the answer, and I’m not pretty sure to judge the answer. Which one should I go for? He told me that he is gonna choose the first one because beauty is natural, we can’t create the human’s beauty.
"What if she refuses to beriman??"He simply replied "Cerai je,laki ade kuota 4 kan?"
Unlike iman, we can nurture it. Thus later on, we MIGHT have “fully-packaged” girlfriend. Physical and inner beauty as well.
So, I still have no answer for this question, though it is just a simple one. So, which girl will you choose??
• The first girl is as beautiful as bidadari..and absolutely all your friend will get jealous when they meet face to face with her..
“Cis,camne mamat ni eh dapat awek cantik camtu”..There might be a possibility your friend will say this. However, in a facet of Islam, she’s not performing the obligation as muslimah, does not taking care of her woman’s pride, socialize with boys, hot, sexy, and all.Your family will not give their blessing if you go for her.
• Second girl is the one who is not as beautiful as the first one, and your friends will not be amazed when they look at you girlfriend. They may monologue once they look at her .”Shit, otai gile muke awek de”. But, whenever your with her, you will feel so comfortable, she’s always there whenever you need someone, and she’s so concerned about her agama,jage aurat, and all.Performing all 5 rukun Islam. All you family members are so pleased when she’s around them.
One of my friends has told me the answer, and I’m not pretty sure to judge the answer. Which one should I go for? He told me that he is gonna choose the first one because beauty is natural, we can’t create the human’s beauty.
"What if she refuses to beriman??"He simply replied "Cerai je,laki ade kuota 4 kan?"
Unlike iman, we can nurture it. Thus later on, we MIGHT have “fully-packaged” girlfriend. Physical and inner beauty as well.
So, I still have no answer for this question, though it is just a simple one. So, which girl will you choose??
Check out this lyric.
somehow, it indicates the the true situation..
even it is just a simple, brief..the meaning is deep and sinis..
for all generations..
Bukak radio di pagi hari
Malam hari sama sahaja
Cinta sana cinta sini
Aku gila geli
Cinta sana cinta sini
Aku gila geli
Bukak radio HITZ fm
Propaganda Amerika
Apa benda yang merdeka
Jilat bontot depa
Apa benda yang merdeka
Apa benda yang merdeka
Jilat bontot depa
Apa benda yang merdeka
Bila kawan ramai keliling kita
Cakap besar tunjuk belang
Tapi bila sorang2
Pengecut pemalu
Macam semua orang
Tapi bila sorang2 Pengecut pemalu
Macam semua orang
Saya ini pun bukan sempurna
Tapi saya tahu
Dosa dan pahalaku tuhan saja
Tuhan saja yang tahu
Dosa dan pahalaku tuhan saja
Tuhan saja yang tahu
Gelang si paku gelang,
Gelang si rame rame…a
Tentang marilah tentang,
Marilah tentang bersame same
somehow, it indicates the the true situation..
even it is just a simple, brief..the meaning is deep and sinis..
for all generations..
Bukak radio di pagi hari
Malam hari sama sahaja
Cinta sana cinta sini
Aku gila geli
Cinta sana cinta sini
Aku gila geli
Bukak radio HITZ fm
Propaganda Amerika
Apa benda yang merdeka
Jilat bontot depa
Apa benda yang merdeka
Apa benda yang merdeka
Jilat bontot depa
Apa benda yang merdeka
Bila kawan ramai keliling kita
Cakap besar tunjuk belang
Tapi bila sorang2
Pengecut pemalu
Macam semua orang
Tapi bila sorang2 Pengecut pemalu
Macam semua orang
Saya ini pun bukan sempurna
Tapi saya tahu
Dosa dan pahalaku tuhan saja
Tuhan saja yang tahu
Dosa dan pahalaku tuhan saja
Tuhan saja yang tahu
Gelang si paku gelang,
Gelang si rame rame…a
Tentang marilah tentang,
Marilah tentang bersame same
"fruitful" seeds???
“The future of the nation will definitely depend on its’ youth”
What can we say whenever we read this excerpt??Last week, I was sitting alone, having my late breakfast since I woke up late. It’s just the beginning of the story. While seeing people’s attitudes, I could say that the time was almost 1pm. And it was the time whenever the student from the nearest secondary school going back home. After 5minutes, student came down from the school. Walking, running, and some of them waiting for their parents to pick them up. Carrying almost 2kg school bag, Iit could somehow bring me to my old times where I went to school, exactly the same with it.
After all, I was like shocked when I saw groups of students, still wearing their school uniform,..smoking and acting like a group of adults who were having their lunch. Not forgetting, they had their own motorcycle that will just helping them to act like a “mat-rempit”. I was thinking, what it is gonna be if all student behave like that? They seemed don’t like to go to school. Maybe they have not (I guess) realized the importance of having good education in this challenging world. They love to collect mountain of money though have to work hard at their age. Thus, what’s the point of attending school? Is it just because of receiving the SPM certificate and later on continuing with seeking for job??Don’t they concern about their parents’ sacrifice in giving them with an education? Their parents work as hard as they could just to make sure their kids been provided by right education? They keep struggling to cater full education to their children.
I’m wondering when are they gonna realize about this?
But, the thing is to whom the blames for all these things should be put on?
What can we say whenever we read this excerpt??Last week, I was sitting alone, having my late breakfast since I woke up late. It’s just the beginning of the story. While seeing people’s attitudes, I could say that the time was almost 1pm. And it was the time whenever the student from the nearest secondary school going back home. After 5minutes, student came down from the school. Walking, running, and some of them waiting for their parents to pick them up. Carrying almost 2kg school bag, Iit could somehow bring me to my old times where I went to school, exactly the same with it.
After all, I was like shocked when I saw groups of students, still wearing their school uniform,..smoking and acting like a group of adults who were having their lunch. Not forgetting, they had their own motorcycle that will just helping them to act like a “mat-rempit”. I was thinking, what it is gonna be if all student behave like that? They seemed don’t like to go to school. Maybe they have not (I guess) realized the importance of having good education in this challenging world. They love to collect mountain of money though have to work hard at their age. Thus, what’s the point of attending school? Is it just because of receiving the SPM certificate and later on continuing with seeking for job??Don’t they concern about their parents’ sacrifice in giving them with an education? Their parents work as hard as they could just to make sure their kids been provided by right education? They keep struggling to cater full education to their children.
I’m wondering when are they gonna realize about this?
But, the thing is to whom the blames for all these things should be put on?
wheel of poptune....
People keep talking that life is like a wheel..there will be time when we are on top of the wheel..Alternately, there will also time for us to be at the bottom of the wheel where our life seems incomplete, all the obstacles and tests come at one time. At that time, all we can do is just trying the best we could because basically those creepy-freak-meticulous people would only come and show us their faces while we do have anything, wealth; while we could give them what they want, while we could buy them a drink. Otherwise, during our hard time, where we are right at the bottom of the wheel, all those so called friend or relative seem to stay away from us, worse they don’t have the intention at all to just contribute any helps. Nothing left, there will be no more praise, laughter. Where have all those things gone??
It’s all about materialism, worldliness, as well as humanity. Nowadays, it is can be counted just by using our hand fingers; if to count those people who are willing to offer help in order to repay the person’s kindness before. Whenever some are struggling going through the difficulties just to survive, the others will just stand still without saying even a single help. They would only come when everything is going smoothly, wouldn’t they??
Faith, strength, and pray are the closest friends that always be on our side whatever happens. They will never forget to give us support and rekindle our spirit to continue on living on this challenging world. Faith will abate your loneliness; strength could give you an idea about the real meaning about life whilst the pray will be the “bond” between Human and God, and who knows God might grant us with thousands of hopes and helps due to our passion going through all the tests. Keep in mind that Allah will test His people with so many things. Maybe, this is not our time yet, but just be prepared for it because God’s tests are so unpredictable and; could be unbearable for those who don’t have faith in Him.
It’s all about materialism, worldliness, as well as humanity. Nowadays, it is can be counted just by using our hand fingers; if to count those people who are willing to offer help in order to repay the person’s kindness before. Whenever some are struggling going through the difficulties just to survive, the others will just stand still without saying even a single help. They would only come when everything is going smoothly, wouldn’t they??
Faith, strength, and pray are the closest friends that always be on our side whatever happens. They will never forget to give us support and rekindle our spirit to continue on living on this challenging world. Faith will abate your loneliness; strength could give you an idea about the real meaning about life whilst the pray will be the “bond” between Human and God, and who knows God might grant us with thousands of hopes and helps due to our passion going through all the tests. Keep in mind that Allah will test His people with so many things. Maybe, this is not our time yet, but just be prepared for it because God’s tests are so unpredictable and; could be unbearable for those who don’t have faith in Him.
Imaginary might later real person..
hello..we meet up again..and this time around im gonna cite something that i really wanna talk about it.
It's all about the internet connection,benefits and all its usefulness.It inspires people to gain more infos and wider their knowledge.
But, have you ever gone through a friendship that is just based on the net. Yeah, im pretty sure fews of you have savored this phenomenon.
And so have I. I just have "met" someone who is currently 14 hours taking flight away from Msia; which is now in another country.Surprisingly, we have not met face to face.
In fact, we have just known one another..but this is the thing that i wanna emphasize..even i just have known her.it seems like we have been knowing each
other for like the past 5 years..im so comfortable with that person since the person is so nice, understanding, well mannered and all.All those have rekindled my
desire to get to know that person at any reasons.Some say distance can make a relationship becomes stronger. Is it true? It is..seemingly it is..
All in all..thanks ya for the person as for being there whenever i need somone..giving me support..
Im very sure as a human being, there are certain values of life that we cannot savor it solely. It would be more meaningful and unforgettable if we are willing to
share it with someone that we can put our trust in..Normal people will usually have someone that he/she could trust and share everything.
Just that, please be aware about the difference between "GF/BF" and best friend. Some are more comfortable with best fren rather than telling BF/GF..
Who knows, we might meet our life partner who is among our best prens..even though its just in the "alam maya".
It's all about the internet connection,benefits and all its usefulness.It inspires people to gain more infos and wider their knowledge.
But, have you ever gone through a friendship that is just based on the net. Yeah, im pretty sure fews of you have savored this phenomenon.
And so have I. I just have "met" someone who is currently 14 hours taking flight away from Msia; which is now in another country.Surprisingly, we have not met face to face.
In fact, we have just known one another..but this is the thing that i wanna emphasize..even i just have known her.it seems like we have been knowing each
other for like the past 5 years..im so comfortable with that person since the person is so nice, understanding, well mannered and all.All those have rekindled my
desire to get to know that person at any reasons.Some say distance can make a relationship becomes stronger. Is it true? It is..seemingly it is..
All in all..thanks ya for the person as for being there whenever i need somone..giving me support..
Im very sure as a human being, there are certain values of life that we cannot savor it solely. It would be more meaningful and unforgettable if we are willing to
share it with someone that we can put our trust in..Normal people will usually have someone that he/she could trust and share everything.
Just that, please be aware about the difference between "GF/BF" and best friend. Some are more comfortable with best fren rather than telling BF/GF..
Who knows, we might meet our life partner who is among our best prens..even though its just in the "alam maya".
perhentian and aftermath..
its been a week..we went to perhentian trip..and it was so awesome..
there are so many things that i want to share..but the most precious thing that i have gone through is the camaraderie between us..Even though it was just the four of us..we enjoyed every single thing we did.Interesting, people who saw
us might have thought us as "having our double date" since there were just 2guys and 2girls.In fact, there was a couple among the four of us. So i had to keep ourselves away from them(of course they need their privacy).Thus, there would be just us who had to do everything together. WE did not want to bother their happiness. Instead, we created ours.
Yeah...it was so wonderful moment..We(the four of us) laughed a lot..there were so called "jokes" among us.One thing that i like was the part when somone's giving a lesson on how to go snorkeling and surprisingly the girl could easily get whathad been taught. So, both of them went snorkeling while the other 2 doing another business. FYI, they kept paparazziing us.taking candid photos. they wanted us to look as if we were a romantic couple..but yeah..we have our strong reason to explain about it.I guess i cant talk much about it since there would people who might spread the news even thoughthe truth of the story has not been revealed yet. Im afraid that there will be wild gossip and once again pity her..LETS GIVE HER TIME TO CLEAN HERSELF AWAY FROM ALL THE GOSSIPS...
After all, unintentionally we became as close as we could..Once again..thank for everyone who has cherished my day..u guys made my days.
before i stop typing, let me quote something..
` "A bunch of wise people will only say somthing that has just been proven to be true, they do not make things up"
Think about it..
there are so many things that i want to share..but the most precious thing that i have gone through is the camaraderie between us..Even though it was just the four of us..we enjoyed every single thing we did.Interesting, people who saw
us might have thought us as "having our double date" since there were just 2guys and 2girls.In fact, there was a couple among the four of us. So i had to keep ourselves away from them(of course they need their privacy).Thus, there would be just us who had to do everything together. WE did not want to bother their happiness. Instead, we created ours.
Yeah...it was so wonderful moment..We(the four of us) laughed a lot..there were so called "jokes" among us.One thing that i like was the part when somone's giving a lesson on how to go snorkeling and surprisingly the girl could easily get whathad been taught. So, both of them went snorkeling while the other 2 doing another business. FYI, they kept paparazziing us.taking candid photos. they wanted us to look as if we were a romantic couple..but yeah..we have our strong reason to explain about it.I guess i cant talk much about it since there would people who might spread the news even thoughthe truth of the story has not been revealed yet. Im afraid that there will be wild gossip and once again pity her..LETS GIVE HER TIME TO CLEAN HERSELF AWAY FROM ALL THE GOSSIPS...
After all, unintentionally we became as close as we could..Once again..thank for everyone who has cherished my day..u guys made my days.
before i stop typing, let me quote something..
` "A bunch of wise people will only say somthing that has just been proven to be true, they do not make things up"
Think about it..
hye..we meet again..but this time around..im gonna give something like islamic talk or "santapan rohani".Last friday, i went to friday prayer and my ears got nailed by the title of the khutbah..which was the characteristic ofIslam leaders..Basically, there are few characteristics that should be taken as Muslim leader..The characteristics are;
1. Be aware of the people under his/her tenure
2. Take care of the people's welfare and all
3. Treat all the "beriman" people as nice as they can
4. Have a strong physical capabilities
5. Good in knowledge( which is far way from people being leaded.
6. Always hold a "syura" meeting to reach a consensus.
Those are the characteristic that should be attached to become a good leader.But, lets take a look and juxtapose these characteristics with certain leaders in certain countries.There are only few or maybe nonewho follows these things even though the leaders are among Muslim. They seem don't really care about people under his/her treat.Remember, 2 people that play so much crucial roles and all nation rely on
these people. Ulama and pemimpin. If both ok, the country will be in harmony, and
Think about it and see it in our prospective.
iNSYA Allah.
1. Be aware of the people under his/her tenure
2. Take care of the people's welfare and all
3. Treat all the "beriman" people as nice as they can
4. Have a strong physical capabilities
5. Good in knowledge( which is far way from people being leaded.
6. Always hold a "syura" meeting to reach a consensus.
Those are the characteristic that should be attached to become a good leader.But, lets take a look and juxtapose these characteristics with certain leaders in certain countries.There are only few or maybe nonewho follows these things even though the leaders are among Muslim. They seem don't really care about people under his/her treat.Remember, 2 people that play so much crucial roles and all nation rely on
these people. Ulama and pemimpin. If both ok, the country will be in harmony, and
Think about it and see it in our prospective.
iNSYA Allah.
if only i could..
here it goes again..but this time around..i just wanna cite about something that
im really looking forward..It's a vacation(tour). Undeniably people would love to go around the
world and travel.sightseeing other countries beauty..as many countries as they can. But have we ever thought the thing that might and might not
"serve" the best condition for us to travel. Right now, far away from here,a new friend of mine with her friends are
enjoying the winter trip around the wellington. That triggers my desire;hoping that I could step on the
NZ or wellington ground someday. Im really looking forward to go there.I really am!
But then again, to me, there are 2 crucial things that can be said as the factors of traveling. Firstly is about money.
and next thing is, TIME. Dont be so confident to go for travel if you have money solely. It must be accompanied by so called
precious time. We need time for that. Just for the infos, i think traveling with best buddies is more enjoyable rather than anyone
since if we "sekepale"..eveything would be as easy as we wish. Money plus time equal world trip.
WHich one do you lack of??so..go find it immediately..
Umrah...here i go!!!
here it goes again..but this time around..i just wanna cite about something that
im really looking forward..It's a vacation(tour). Undeniably people would love to go around the
world and travel.sightseeing other countries beauty..as many countries as they can. But have we ever thought the thing that might and might not
"serve" the best condition for us to travel. Right now, far away from here,a new friend of mine with her friends are
enjoying the winter trip around the wellington. That triggers my desire;hoping that I could step on the
NZ or wellington ground someday. Im really looking forward to go there.I really am!
But then again, to me, there are 2 crucial things that can be said as the factors of traveling. Firstly is about money.
and next thing is, TIME. Dont be so confident to go for travel if you have money solely. It must be accompanied by so called
precious time. We need time for that. Just for the infos, i think traveling with best buddies is more enjoyable rather than anyone
since if we "sekepale"..eveything would be as easy as we wish. Money plus time equal world trip.
WHich one do you lack of??so..go find it immediately..
Umrah...here i go!!!
that's what a best friend for...
hey everyone..
in the middle of the night..
my heart keeps telling me one thing that im not pretty sure how to interpret it..
basically..its all about a friend of mine who i have just started get to know her in deep.She's n0w enjoying her holidays...with her family i guess..but that is not the thing..actually..Every single time i recall my past, i feel so upset, disappointed with myself, a big loser and all. Thus, when that moment comes, i will grab my phone and start texting her..As if i'm gonna tell her something.At the same time,i don't want her to know my past.because she might start thinking negatively about me.change her perception about me..But if i don't tell her.. i think im so in a big sin..I need someone to talk to..can't bear it on my own anymore..
tonight..i could not make it..could not reach her..my heart's crippled by our "disconnection",,
hopefully..it will not happen again..
hope she will know about it..
in the middle of the night..
my heart keeps telling me one thing that im not pretty sure how to interpret it..
basically..its all about a friend of mine who i have just started get to know her in deep.She's n0w enjoying her holidays...with her family i guess..but that is not the thing..actually..Every single time i recall my past, i feel so upset, disappointed with myself, a big loser and all. Thus, when that moment comes, i will grab my phone and start texting her..As if i'm gonna tell her something.At the same time,i don't want her to know my past.because she might start thinking negatively about me.change her perception about me..But if i don't tell her.. i think im so in a big sin..I need someone to talk to..can't bear it on my own anymore..
tonight..i could not make it..could not reach her..my heart's crippled by our "disconnection",,
hopefully..it will not happen again..
hope she will know about it..
miss those moments..
hye everybody..
i have nothing to do right now..don't really know what to say...either im on a vacation or else?by the way, now i'm in malaysia...im home..it has been three days in malaysia..my mind keeps thinking and remembering Chambana...my second home land..We will keep thinking about things that are rarely to be reached of and something that we love most. I think, my first year in chambana have really created me for a "person". I got to know more people...and surprisingly i had "kampung" white street as well as kampung stoughton. Im missing both of them right now..cant make it to go there...cant even see it..bcoz im thousands miles away from them. Having a "kampung white"; which place where i spent most of my time during the summer 1,studying for FM exam, being nicely treated by both "mums", including the "step mum"...walking down the street at 2 am in the morning witnessing a couple made out, and much more fun that i had during last summer.All in all, thanks for those who had cherished my life, and filling up my boredom by bringing to the craving's interview, sixflags, and all..
stepmum,kampung white,kampung stoughton...ya roxx.
i have nothing to do right now..don't really know what to say...either im on a vacation or else?by the way, now i'm in malaysia...im home..it has been three days in malaysia..my mind keeps thinking and remembering Chambana...my second home land..We will keep thinking about things that are rarely to be reached of and something that we love most. I think, my first year in chambana have really created me for a "person". I got to know more people...and surprisingly i had "kampung" white street as well as kampung stoughton. Im missing both of them right now..cant make it to go there...cant even see it..bcoz im thousands miles away from them. Having a "kampung white"; which place where i spent most of my time during the summer 1,studying for FM exam, being nicely treated by both "mums", including the "step mum"...walking down the street at 2 am in the morning witnessing a couple made out, and much more fun that i had during last summer.All in all, thanks for those who had cherished my life, and filling up my boredom by bringing to the craving's interview, sixflags, and all..
stepmum,kampung white,kampung stoughton...ya roxx.
missing one generation.
hye...it's a nice-sunny sunday..and i just cramming myself out with all those numbers..
Once,i clicked on the utusan melayu to read any issues in malaysia recently. All of a sudden, my eyes nailed at this one photo that has been there for almost im not sure how long..but im pretty sure it has been more than three months. Im wondering what had happened to that girl...she's so cute..innocent..a small little girl who has just been enjoying her childhood with her beloved family and cheerful friends. But, all those thing seem had gone away after she's gone. As of now, i don't hear anything about her. So, there could be so many assumptions that popped up in mind?Is she still alive? Where is She now? Does she have the same figure,characteristics as she used to be before?
All those speculations can not be simply blown away because as long as she has not been founded, people will keep thinking all those things. And so will I. Pity her. Come on. do something to find this girl. Don't just sleep..wake up..night is over.
Help them out.Lets pray for her safety and may God bless her.
last night..it was pretty shocking and shaking up opinion and views about what's actually happening to my country...so many cases and crimes rate goes up everyday. Of course, the judiciary system in Malaysia "pening kepala" to solve all these crimes,,there are millions of "unfinished" trials that have just piled up day by day. And the one that is and was the gruesome and controversial, "The murder of Mongolian's model". Aftermath, thing that popped my eyes out was the one about the interview between the victim's father. It could be obviously seen in which the father showed his anger and emotion during the press conference. With full of emotion, the man said and threatened that if the daughter's murderer has not been thrown into cell yet, he would ask the Mongolian consultant to cease the relationship between Malaysia and their country. Can't you imagine how sad and angry the man upon our government and judiciary system in Malaysia.It won't take just a blink of eyes to rethink bout it. Indeed, thoroughly justification is highly needed. What a shame...
never too late..
when someone turns 20, he or she will definitely has ambition. objectives and goals in life..So, so will I.
As of now, i have already become 20 years old, 2 hours, 19 minit. Celebrating birthday can be somehow very exciting but have anyone ever thought that once we are getting older, we are getting near and nearer to death. Im not trying to make things up. This is what been told and taught in Islam. In fact, i have read somewhere storying about one Islamic scholar who cried on his birthday because he felt so afraid and was not yet ready to 'answer" the call of Allah. Just to stress it out here, the older you are the closer and more sins in life you will encounter. Allah's blessing will never stop looking for people who devotedly looking for Him.
my wish,,...to have a better and successful life in future and become what i think i am.
As of now, i have already become 20 years old, 2 hours, 19 minit. Celebrating birthday can be somehow very exciting but have anyone ever thought that once we are getting older, we are getting near and nearer to death. Im not trying to make things up. This is what been told and taught in Islam. In fact, i have read somewhere storying about one Islamic scholar who cried on his birthday because he felt so afraid and was not yet ready to 'answer" the call of Allah. Just to stress it out here, the older you are the closer and more sins in life you will encounter. Allah's blessing will never stop looking for people who devotedly looking for Him.
my wish,,...to have a better and successful life in future and become what i think i am.
hye...im in a final mode...struggling for finals..and stressing out with it.hoping that my result will turn out as what i want it to be..RPK? Those who from Kuale kangsar, you would assume that the RPK stands for Raja Perempuan Kelson( the girl unisex school in Kuala Kangsar).
Nonetheless, those who get access to the internet...surfing all the bloggers' pages, you should be knowing what RPK is..Recently, he was being interrogated by so called " Malaysian Police" regarding on his blog about the Altantuya Murder Case, Raja Petra quizzed by police over Altantuya article the most controversial case ever happened in government position.
There have been so many argument about it, like the "murderer", who was the real playmaker behind this well-organized gruesome murder. Where have all the "immigration records of her entry to Malaysia" gone? Who did that? There must be underlying factors which have not been revealed yet and if RPK keeps his mouth shuts, it's implausible for us to reveal it. He just wanted to have like "freedom of speech" but those "sides" who feel insecure went crazy and started to go against RPK....So, it's up to you to decide it....It will be so many "LOCKED" secrets that will never been revealed until the end of world.
To see the video of the "interview"..follow this link..
RPK's 'Police Interview!
Nonetheless, those who get access to the internet...surfing all the bloggers' pages, you should be knowing what RPK is..Recently, he was being interrogated by so called " Malaysian Police" regarding on his blog about the Altantuya Murder Case, Raja Petra quizzed by police over Altantuya article the most controversial case ever happened in government position.
There have been so many argument about it, like the "murderer", who was the real playmaker behind this well-organized gruesome murder. Where have all the "immigration records of her entry to Malaysia" gone? Who did that? There must be underlying factors which have not been revealed yet and if RPK keeps his mouth shuts, it's implausible for us to reveal it. He just wanted to have like "freedom of speech" but those "sides" who feel insecure went crazy and started to go against RPK....So, it's up to you to decide it....It will be so many "LOCKED" secrets that will never been revealed until the end of world.
To see the video of the "interview"..follow this link..
RPK's 'Police Interview!
tidal-massive-The Rekindle of Malaysian's spirit..
Last monday, April 14th, it was a big change for Malaysia and everything in this country.Should have been jotted down in national history about that day,date and time where DSAI has been officially accepted to the government political field. It must be a big hope after long waiting for Malaysia's public just to see their so called "Hero Rakyat" to be legally accepted to the country's ruling democracy. Congratz for those who were willing to come that night as you seemed to be ready to change the future of Malaysia.. It must be a great sacrifice for participants just to witness the rekindling of the " rakyat tidal wave"...come on opposition...prove to all Malaysian that Barisan Rakyat could be better ruler for Malaysia..Show us your truthfulness and honesty in dealing with multi-races' desires.
Just take a look on urself...it was attended by millions of rakyat..
But..Malaysia's police..(do you think they did the right thing during that Black night?)
Think about it..
Just take a look on urself...it was attended by millions of rakyat..
But..Malaysia's police..(do you think they did the right thing during that Black night?)
Think about it..
Malaysians are striving and stepping ahead...
last week..it was the asean games..
and i am not sure what to write here..just stressing out the point that why Malaysia(our team) did not win any of the games??
I was pretty sure that we could win at least the soccer match..but, obviously luck was not on our side...and I felt so fucking crazy and quite guilty because i could not make it to play against Singapore..we got "tapau" by them for like 7-0..
yeah..should stop it here..and during the afternoon game,,,we had volleyball..and once again i could not make it to play for the first few games...yeah..im so proud of u guys,, our Malaysians team..alan.faruq and everyone..they did pretty a good job..
they managed to hold the undefeated champion Indonesia's team. I guess, we could win the Midwest games if everything goes according to plan..
But, there are few things that quite "disappointing" me which, i guess no need to say it out loud.I have no right at all to summarize about this.I know im neither a good player nor captain of any games. Those who know about this, they might smile and guessing what the hell was going on.There were few things that need to be improvised and "postmortemed".
Congratz to the volleyball and soccer as well as all the coordinators, you did a good job, and hopefully we could go striving beyond our limits.
Anyway, Thanks for those who came and gave their moral support, and sacrificed their time(maybe they are busy struggling for P and FM exam).Cheering out for the players..YOU all ROX..You guys did come and give us support...FYI, that was "our driving force" that boosted up our spirit on the court,field, or ice.This time around, it is a failure for us..next year,,,it will be our TURN to grab all the champion titles..
Till the end...Malaysia Boleh..
last week..it was the asean games..
and i am not sure what to write here..just stressing out the point that why Malaysia(our team) did not win any of the games??
I was pretty sure that we could win at least the soccer match..but, obviously luck was not on our side...and I felt so fucking crazy and quite guilty because i could not make it to play against Singapore..we got "tapau" by them for like 7-0..
yeah..should stop it here..and during the afternoon game,,,we had volleyball..and once again i could not make it to play for the first few games...yeah..im so proud of u guys,, our Malaysians team..alan.faruq and everyone..they did pretty a good job..
they managed to hold the undefeated champion Indonesia's team. I guess, we could win the Midwest games if everything goes according to plan..
But, there are few things that quite "disappointing" me which, i guess no need to say it out loud.I have no right at all to summarize about this.I know im neither a good player nor captain of any games. Those who know about this, they might smile and guessing what the hell was going on.There were few things that need to be improvised and "postmortemed".
Congratz to the volleyball and soccer as well as all the coordinators, you did a good job, and hopefully we could go striving beyond our limits.
Anyway, Thanks for those who came and gave their moral support, and sacrificed their time(maybe they are busy struggling for P and FM exam).Cheering out for the players..YOU all ROX..You guys did come and give us support...FYI, that was "our driving force" that boosted up our spirit on the court,field, or ice.This time around, it is a failure for us..next year,,,it will be our TURN to grab all the champion titles..
Till the end...Malaysia Boleh..
yeah...tonight...i am really running out of idea what to do since i just had done woth my mid term. Thank God. Im relieved now.As of now, Malaysia has few days left before the general election, but Im not so sure how is it going up there in Malaysia since right now, im just sitting on a plastic chair, typing out few words showing off my emotion about my country. Too many thing Ive read about malaysia's government and all its substances. Things that ive seen and heard are all kindof blaming the government. i guess. maybe you can witness them on your own ( for those who dont believe me). I dont have the guts to say much, though i wanted to do so at first, because there might be a side which is gonna sue me, and who knows my scholarship might be revoked. I really do not want it to happen, Lets people choose people who they put their trust in, and to those who get the rakyat's trust, you shouldn't have done things that could ruin our democracy. To keep democracy going on, every public figure ought to get rid of bribery,political money, power abuse, misusage people's money and so on. Here, I have a good point. Allah will never grant anything to those who refuse to change themselves to be better ones. Don't just simply sit and hoping something good would happen without giving it a shot.I love my country and I do hope a better change upon my nation.God bless Malaysia...
school reopens?
dammit...time flies so fast..winter break? haha...pretty cool..so many places had been " colonized" by a bunch of handsome freshmen. huh..just name it..Ohio...Pennsylvania..West Virginia..NY..(so many)...take longer time to name it all...but..it was awesome..But.that.s not a thing that im gonna say..
it's all about reopening classes so0n.Tomorrow..i gotta get up early..not as late as i used to wake up throughout the long term holiday. Yeah..my resolution is about to start..Every single thing should be accomplished completely..no matter what happens..This coming new semester..ive changed a little bit. Now..i am a new man..The new ME!..but..there's still one thing that keep wandering inside my mind..Could I accomplish my resolution?
1. No more squandering my time..as time is rather far valuable than a gold.
2. Attend all the classes punctually.
3. Finish up all the homeworks and all the assignments.
4. After all, only then I could achieve 3.5 result..
yeah..typing is much easier than fulfilling it..Every one knows that..That's only four of them..
The answer is me..
Behave yourself...be yourself..dont bother what other fucking mouth talk about you..The "engineer " for my future is ME..Me, myself and I will definitely take the same steps as what my head and heart will do. Think twice,,keep registered in mind.." It wont take a short time to give birth to an intelligent mind"
it's all about reopening classes so0n.Tomorrow..i gotta get up early..not as late as i used to wake up throughout the long term holiday. Yeah..my resolution is about to start..Every single thing should be accomplished completely..no matter what happens..This coming new semester..ive changed a little bit. Now..i am a new man..The new ME!..but..there's still one thing that keep wandering inside my mind..Could I accomplish my resolution?
1. No more squandering my time..as time is rather far valuable than a gold.
2. Attend all the classes punctually.
3. Finish up all the homeworks and all the assignments.
4. After all, only then I could achieve 3.5 result..
yeah..typing is much easier than fulfilling it..Every one knows that..That's only four of them..
The answer is me..
Behave yourself...be yourself..dont bother what other fucking mouth talk about you..The "engineer " for my future is ME..Me, myself and I will definitely take the same steps as what my head and heart will do. Think twice,,keep registered in mind.." It wont take a short time to give birth to an intelligent mind"
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